Louisiana Expungement Assistance & Advocacy Center http://www.leaac.com/blog/ Recent Posts en-us Sat, 15 Feb 2025 11:44:10 -0500 Louisiana Legislature Expands Courts’ Ability to “Set Aside” (Cancel) Convictions to Assist with Expungement http://www.leaac.com/blog/louisiana-legislature-expands-courts-ability-to-set-aside-cancel-convictions-to-assist-with-expungement/ 2020-11-06 11:34:35 http://www.leaac.com/blog/louisiana-legislature-expands-courts-ability-to-set-aside-cancel-convictions-to-assist-with-expungement/ Finally! FBI/ATF Are Now Recognizing that Some Louisiana Expungements Can Cure a Felon’s Disqualification to Possess a Handgun http://www.leaac.com/blog/finally-fbiatf-are-now-recognizing-that-some-louisiana-expungements-can-cure-a-felons-disqualification-to-possess-a-handgun/ 2020-10-19 14:37:10 http://www.leaac.com/blog/finally-fbiatf-are-now-recognizing-that-some-louisiana-expungements-can-cure-a-felons-disqualification-to-possess-a-handgun/ New Louisiana Law Allows Most People to Expunge Their Records Immediately After Completing Their Sentences or Probation. Big News! http://www.leaac.com/blog/new-louisiana-law-allows-most-people-to-expunge-their-records-immediately-after-completing-their-sentences-or-probation-big-news/ 2020-01-24 20:59:45 http://www.leaac.com/blog/new-louisiana-law-allows-most-people-to-expunge-their-records-immediately-after-completing-their-sentences-or-probation-big-news/ “Will an expungement fix a federal denial to purchase a weapon?” Finally, the question, is going to be answered in Louisiana. http://www.leaac.com/blog/will-an-expungement-fix-a-federal-denial-to-purchase-a-weapon/ New changes in Louisiana law should allow some felons to purchase a weapon under federal law and to pass a federal background check after they have obtained an expungement.

2016-09-15 16:39:35 http://www.leaac.com/blog/will-an-expungement-fix-a-federal-denial-to-purchase-a-weapon/
Recent Legislative Changes to the Louisiana “Concealed Carry” Law http://www.leaac.com/blog/recent-legislative-changes-to-the-louisiana-concealed-carry-law/ Important new changes to the Louisiana concealed weapons permit law make expungement an option to help applicants with certain prior felonies obtain a concealed carry permit. These same changes may have the long-awaited effect of allowing some prior felons to pass a federal background check and allow them to purchase (and possess) a weapon legally under federal law.   

2016-09-15 15:23:24 http://www.leaac.com/blog/recent-legislative-changes-to-the-louisiana-concealed-carry-law/
Louisiana Legislators Consider Waiving Expungement Fees for Victims of Identity Theft Who Need to Expunge Erroneous Convictions Records http://www.leaac.com/blog/louisiana-legislators-consider-waiving-expungement-fees-for-victims-of-identity-theft-who-need-to-expunge-erroneous-convictions-records/ LEAAC Legislative Update: House Committee on Administration of Criminal Justice will consider HB 194 which addresses helping victims of identity theft expunge an erroneous record more affordably.

2016-03-19 14:25:57 http://www.leaac.com/blog/louisiana-legislators-consider-waiving-expungement-fees-for-victims-of-identity-theft-who-need-to-expunge-erroneous-convictions-records/
Why Does An Expunged Record Keep Showing Up?  And What Can Be Done When Reckless Background Check Companies Keep Reporting It? http://www.leaac.com/blog/why-does-an-expunged-record-keep-showing-up-and-what-can-be-done-when-reckless-background-check-companies-keep-reporting-it/ Sometimes, even after an expungement has been ordered by a court, private background-check companies keep reporting it to employers.  Here is the why this is happening.

2016-03-19 12:47:44 http://www.leaac.com/blog/why-does-an-expunged-record-keep-showing-up-and-what-can-be-done-when-reckless-background-check-companies-keep-reporting-it/
Another Appellate Court Recognizes the Unfair Effects of a Criminal Conviction on Employment Prospects http://www.leaac.com/blog/another-appellate-court-recognizes-the-unfair-effects-of-a-criminal-conviction-on-employment-prospects/ A new Pennsylvania decision finding it unconstitutional to ban employment in certain healthcare jobs after a conviction joins a nationwide trend recognizing the unfair collateral consequences of a conviction.

2015-12-30 23:07:11 http://www.leaac.com/blog/another-appellate-court-recognizes-the-unfair-effects-of-a-criminal-conviction-on-employment-prospects/
How to Pass a Background Check http://www.leaac.com/blog/how-to-pass-a-background-check/ Changing jobs can be one of the most rewarding things you do in everyday life.  It can also be among the most stressful—especially if you have a criminal history that you are worried your future employer might not understand.  The truth is that most large employers use private background check companies to vet job applicants, so learning how to pass a background check can be essential to your success in changing jobs or improving your circumstances in life.

2015-10-31 12:17:25 http://www.leaac.com/blog/how-to-pass-a-background-check/
How to Get a Clean Record http://www.leaac.com/blog/how-to-get-a-clean-record/ Getting a clean record may not be as difficult as you might think.  The recent changes to Louisiana Code of Criminal Procedure, Articles 971 through 995, now create a procedural right to clean your record of non-violent, non-sexual criminal convictions in Louisiana.

2015-10-31 12:14:33 http://www.leaac.com/blog/how-to-get-a-clean-record/
The Importance of a Clean Record http://www.leaac.com/blog/the-importance-of-a-clean-record/ If there is one truth in life that we all know—sometimes too well—it’s that people will make mistakes.  And mistakes can have serious, unforeseen effects.  In the legal world, those repercussions are often called “collateral consequences.” 

2015-10-31 12:13:41 http://www.leaac.com/blog/the-importance-of-a-clean-record/
Quick Facts about Expungement of Louisiana Criminal Records http://www.leaac.com/blog/quick-facts-about-expungement-of-louisiana-criminal-records/ In the 2014 and 2015 Louisiana Legislative Sessions, the legislature revised the Louisiana Expungement Law so that, having paid their debts to society, people with Louisiana criminal records may finally get some relief from the collateral consequences of criminal arrests and convictions.

2015-10-31 12:11:08 http://www.leaac.com/blog/quick-facts-about-expungement-of-louisiana-criminal-records/
Louisiana Expungement Law Revised: A Good “First Step” for Thousands of Residents with Louisiana Criminal Records http://www.leaac.com/blog/louisiana-expungement-law-revised-a-good-first-step-for-thousands-of-residents-with-louisiana-criminal-records/ Louisiana has the highest incarceration rate of any state in the country—which, some would argue, makes it among the highest in the world. A recent U. S. Department of Justice study revealed that, even with last year’s 2% decline in incarceration rates, Louisiana remains far-and-away the state leader in per capita prison population. 

2015-10-31 12:08:13 http://www.leaac.com/blog/louisiana-expungement-law-revised-a-good-first-step-for-thousands-of-residents-with-louisiana-criminal-records/
Even Federal Courts are Beginning to Recognize the Need for a Workable Expungement Process‎‎--This is Big News http://www.leaac.com/blog/even-federal-courts-are-beginning-to-recognize-the-need-for-a-workable-expungement-process/ In a unique move, a federal judge has ordered the expungement of a valid criminal record of conviction--because it was the right thing to do. Normally, federal criminal records are not subject to expungement. In the rare cases that a federal record has been expunged, it has related to prosecutorial misconduct or outright innocence.

2015-10-31 12:07:43 http://www.leaac.com/blog/even-federal-courts-are-beginning-to-recognize-the-need-for-a-workable-expungement-process/